Youth World :

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ten Power Foods That heal

1. Garlic
Since time immemorial garlic has been used to stave off evil spirits,
build stamina,
enhance immunity,
and ward off infections.
During the ancient Olympic games in Greece athletes were said to swallow garlic
as a stimulant. Garlic is a part of the lily family along with onions and chives.
Undisturbed, the garlic bulb has limited medicinal properties. Chopping and
crushing garlic releases the miraculous properties for which we tout
The healing touch Reduces high levels of blood sugar.
Prevents heart disease and stroke
Reduces the risk of stomach and colon cancers
Lowers cholesterol
Helps boost immunity
Relieves asthma
Including garlic in the diet may play a role in preventing and treating

2. Papaya
Though we grow a papaya tree, the plant is actually an overgrown herb, known as
an herbaceous perennial. Christopher Columbus termed it as "fruit of angels".
The healing touch
Aids in digestion
Prevents heart disease
Checks cancer
Eating raw papaya after a meal makes it easier for the body to digest
proteins, which helps to ease an upset stomach. It plays a role in
preventing ulcers as well.

3. Tea
The humble cup of tea is whipping up a storm these days, and all because
of the health benefits that ensues with the cuppa.
The compounds of tea help neutralize harmful oxygen molecules in the body
known as free radicals.
The healing touch
Controls cholesterol
Prevents stroke and heart disease
Reduces tooth decay
Prevents intestinal cancer

4. Berries
What makes berries so special is a compound called ellagic acid,
which is helpful in preventing cellular changes that can lead to cancer
The healing touch
Prevents cataracts
Protects against cancer
Prevents constipation
Reduces the risk of infection

5. Apple
Apples are a good source of dietary fiber, which may reduce the risk
of heart disease and some types of cancer. They are a good source of
antioxidants. The apple is actually a member of the rose family and
has a moderately sweet and refreshing flavour.
The healing touch
Weight loss
Diabetes management
Helps in managing asthma
Lowers cholesterol
Prevents cancer of lung, breast and liver

6. Salmon
Salmon is the preferred partner of omega-3 fatty acids.
The healing touch
Lowers blood cholesterol
Decreases risk of heart disease and cancer
Controls inflammatory conditions like arthritis
Enhances memory

7. Cabbage
Sturdy, abundant and inexpensive, cabbage has been a longstanding
dietary staple throughout the world.
The healing touch
Prevents anaemia
Treats stomach inflammation and ulcers
Protects against stress

8. Carrot
Carrot in ancient times was much valued for its medicinal properties.
The healing touch
Carrot really helps your eyesight. This is due to the beta-carotene
which gives carrot the orange color and also the name.
The Healing Touch
Reduces your risk of blood sugar and heart attack by enlisting
carrots into your diet.
Quit smoking by making carrots, part of your healthy way of eating

9. Bananas
Bananas--the world's most popular fruit, packed in a biodegradable
wrapper, possibly originated in Malaysia.
The healing touch
Bananas should replace antacids in your medicine cabinet.
If you already have high blood pressure, include bananas in
your meal plan as they are enriched with potassium—the un-salt
of the nature.
Bananas have all the eight amino acids that our body cannot
manufacture on its own.

10. Pears
The flesh of pears was once referred to as the "gift of the gods". It
has a good healing capacity.
The healing touch
We don't usually think of pears as being "bone food", but they
contain the mineral, 'boron', that plays an important role in
keeping bones strong.
What's good for the bones is also good for the brain.
Pears help to improve memory.
It contains a type of dietary fiber that is very effective for
lowering cholesterol.



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