Youth World :

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Be Lovers Not Buddies

If you made the mistake of treating your love interest like a friend? Here’s how to control the damage... .

We told you to avoid the friend zone, but you went ahead and fell into it anyway. You somehow managed to become buddies with the woman you wanted to pick up. Escaping this zone is difficult but if you follow these hints, you could make some headway.

Treat her like a woman now :
Chances are that you’re overlooking her as a woman and things between the two of you are relaxed... While this situation may feel good, in reality, it doesn’t work since there is very little room here to make her feel special.
Get out of the zone :
Be a gentleman more often. When walking, offer her your arm; open doors and pull out chairs; give her the occasional compliment.

Step up the flirting :
Now that you’re treating her less as a buddy and more like a ‘real girl’, introduce more flirting into the relationship.
Get out of the zone :
Start with the simplest of things- hold her gaze for longer than otherwise and focus more attention on her. Spend more time trying to make her laugh in a way that encourages a one-on-one banter.

Break the touch barrier :
Encourage physical flirting. In fact, you’ve probably already broken the touch barrier without realising it by giving her your arm, guiding her into a seat, etc.
Get out of the zone :
The key is to touch her consciously so it promotes positive thoughts in her.

Use your friends:
There may be some friends who think the two of you make a good couple. If so, use them.
Get out of the zone :
Encourage them to draw attention to your attractive traits.

Encourage dating behaviour:
Being trapped in the friend zone, you aren’t able to spontaneously ask her out on a real date. Doing this can disrupt the status quo and spook her.
Instead, find ways to date her by proceeding in a covert way.
Get out of the zone :
A date is essentially a relationship interview – a chance to show off your best side in the hope that it’ll lead somewhere. A good way to do this with a friend is to take up a shared hobby. This allows the two of you to spend some exclusive time together and she may notice something in you that she overlooked before.

Change a bit of yourself : Familiarity breeds contempt. Well, in the case of friends, it may not exactly be contempt, but shaking up something about yourself may cause a ‘wow’ moment and stir up romantic feelings in her.
Get out of the zone : Make positive changes in yourself that’ll make her see you in a new light (you should have an idea of what she thinks is positive). A new haircut or wardrobe could catch her eye.

Make her want you : These steps are just a warm up. Following them will cause her to rethink your friendship and open up the possibility of something else. They will edge you towards the limits of the friend zone, but it’s up to you to get over the barriers.
Sooner or later, as in all dating ventures, you have to make your move... something you should’ve done when you first met her.

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