Youth World :

Friday, July 27, 2007


Follow these simple first-date etiquette tips and you'll greatly improve your chances for a second date.
Make a backup plan. The weather can change quickly, restaurants can close for renovations. Have a backup plan ready in case your date takes an unexpected turn.
Plan a short date. No need to map out the rest of your lives together. Start with a simple, 1-to-2-hour date. If things go well, you can always extend the date. There's nothing worse than being on an all-day tour when you realized five minutes into the date that you have no future together.
Be punctual. There's no greater sign of disrespect than being late for your first date. Get directions to your location, arrive early, and show your date that you care about him or her and the plans you made.
Agree on the dress code. When planning the date,
talk about the dress code for the particular event
talk about the dress code for the particular event. It can be embarrassing if one person shows up in a suit while the other wears jeans and a sweatshirt.
Compliment, but don't overdo it. A few nice words make everyone feel special, but persistent comments about the other person's looks, personality, body, etc., gets old and can seem insincere or desperate.
Drink responsibly. A few drinks may take the pressure off the date, but don't pretend you're at a fraternity party. Drinking too much will likely bring out some bad sides to your personality -- and that can't help your chances.
Balance talking and listening. Pay attention to the amount of time you spend talking versus listening. If the scale is weighing in either direction, look to balance it out.

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